Don't get me wrong, I love shit as much as anyone alive. I have no problem with Apple approving Apps like this for sale in their app store.
I do, however, have a problem with their arbitrary bullshit way of allowing some apps, and dis-allowing others. Google Voice is totally awesome, but Apple won't allow that app.
Google Voice is so awesome that I can even put a widget right here for fucks like you to call me.
Say something REALLY profane, and I'll post your shit on this blog.
Anyway, my point is Apple is far more evil than Microsoft could ever manage to be. Their fucking iPhone is evil and WAY over priced. I use a cheap ass Cricket Wireless phone with $30 a month service. I don't need to spend two thousand dollars over the course of two years to have an iPhone. I can spend that two grand on two really good hookers, four OK hookers, or a hundred nasty crack whores.
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