Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Catholic Church is a criminal organization, and you are morally obligated to treat it and it's supports accordingly.

It is clear that the Catholic Church has institutionally supported child molestation. There is no indication that the Church has done anything to rectify this. As such, it is morally obligatory that the Church and all of it's supporters are guilty of child molestation by proxy.

When I was making this proclamation recently, someone challenged me to "fix it". Clearly I can not do that, but there is more that I can do so I will.

I will loudly and publicly explain why the Catholic Church is a criminal organization, and I will explain what the Catholic church and it's supporters can do to redeem themselves.

Part I - Why the Catholic Church is a criminal organization.

There is a preponderance of evidence that the Catholic Church has institutionally allowed known child molesters to be put in situations where they would have access to molest children. Furthermore the Church has institutionally supported protecting child molesters from criminal prosecution. This are criminal act.

The individuals that are guilty of this include the current Pope, and many sitting cardinals and bishops. This is well known and documented. If anyone would like me to lay out the evidence against the Church, I can but what is the point. You've seen it, you know they fuck children.

Part II - What can the Catholic Church do to redeem itself?

I'll lend the Pope a hand. I will highlight the points the Pope needs to hit in a speech he should give that would start the redemption process for the Catholic Church.

1) The Pope needs to admit personal responsibility for 
  • Personally moving a known child molester and putting him in a position where he could, and did, molest again.
  • Contributing to the authorship of and promoting the enforcement of Church doctrine to protect know child molesters.

2) He needs to submit himself for criminal prosecution in all jurisdictions where he has committed crimes.

3) The Pope needs to instruct the Church to pay for any Medically Efficacious treatment for anyone who can reasonably demonstrate they are victims of  abuse by Catholic Priests. I do not advocate the Church should make financial payments to any victims unless so ordered by a court of law.

4) The Pope needs to modify the recruitment process for priests so to make every reasonable attempt to exclude child molesters from priesthood.

5) The Pope needs to order that ALL Church records be opened to examination by any interested law enforcement agency in order to criminally prosecute child molesters.

6) The Pope should make it clear that he has asked forgiveness of his God, and this process is part of the necessary redemption for his and the Churches actions.

7) The Pope should demand that this process be repeated at every organizational level of the Church guilty of such crimes (including step 8).

8) The Pope should resign.

Part III - What are Catholics morally obligated to do?

1) Stop giving money to the Church until the Church has started to redeem itself.

2) Treat the Church as the criminal organization it is until it has started to redeem itself.

Is there anything I missed? Is there anything else I could do to "fix it"?

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