Wednesday, October 28, 2009

...I hate stupid people, and their god damn Swine flu.

So I guess a major theme I try to hit on in this space is attacking stupidity. Much of my efforts here have been aimed at God because religion is one of the biggest refuges for stupidity in American society.

Today, I am going to attack stupidity as it relates to Swine flu. This may well turn into a bit of a series, as there are lots of aspects of "Swine flu hysteria" that piss me off. In this post I am going to focus on washing your hands.

So I recently had a conversation with a retard about how anti-bacterial soap and alcohol work to kill germs, and create "super-bugs".

The first thing I want to touch on is that the flu is a virus. A virus is a very different animal than a bacteria. I am not going to go into a huge explanation of the differences here, but lets suffice to say that anti-bacterial soap does not kill a virus.

Regular soap and water will do just as good a job of cleaning your hands as anti-bacterial soap and water. Neither will kill flu viruses on your hands, but they will remove the physical media in which the flu virus tends to live on your hands.

Now the stupidity I wanted to address here is the differences between anti-bacterial soap and rubbing alcohol. These two things kill bacteria by two very different methods. Anti-bacterial soap "poisons" 99% (plus or minus) bacteria, leaving alive the 1% that is resistant to the anti-bacterial agent. This 1% then reproduces, and passes on its resistance to its progeny, leaving future generations "stronger". This is bad for us.

Alcohol, however, does not "poison" bacteria. The process by which alcohol kills bacteria is more like a physical action. Alcohol disrupts the bonds of cell membranes causing bacteria to "pop", and this action is not something to which bacteria can become resistant.

So to sum up - If you are worried about flu, be that swine or bird or monkey or slug or sea cucumber varieties, you SHOULD wash your hands. However anti-bacteria soap does not help, and can even make "it" (by "it" I mean bacterial based infections, which no variety of flu is) worse. Alcohol is a much better choice than anti-bacterial soap, but for protection against flu hot water and soap is just as good.

Thursday, October 1, 2009's time to give Roman Polanski the chair, and bomb France.

I'm not uptight.

There are lots of "crimes" for which I could see giving a dude a pass. There are even more things that I could see saying "It's been 32 years, why not let it go".

Roman Polanski's situation is not one of them.

This asshole raped a 13 year old girl.

You can read the indictment on TSG here

Why has this fuck been allowed to live in France for 32 years?